Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Beginning of Booking Awesome!


Good morning! My name is Riley and I figured that I would love to start writing in a book review blog. I am a huge fan of books and reading, so much so that I am an English major with a Writing minor in college. I just thought that this blog would be a nice little time-spender for this summer since I plan to read a lot of books. I hope I can conjure some more of you to join on my journey!

I am in the process of getting some other friends to do this with me since I am sure I won't be finishing so many books to keep this blog extremely busy. Instead of just reviewing the books I previously finished, I could also review books I have finished in the past. The way I plan to do this is review them with a 10-point rating system with decimals as well so I can accurately rate the books. I was also thinking of adding in movie reviews for the books I have read. That would be pretty fun! 

So anyway, this blog is purely for fun and enjoyment. I will hopefully continue it into the school year if I enjoy it as much as I believe I will. After all, I am taking 3 English courses so many books will be read! I should have my first review up soon, if not today definitely tomorrow. So until then, DFTBA!



P.S. Yes, I am a nerdfighter.